Partnering with MPM Essentials

A partner for professional learning solutions

MPM Essentials is a professional learning consultancy that believes in the power of collaboration and innovation. We partner with you to design, develop, and deliver the best professional learning opportunities to your teachers and administrators in order to provide instruction that is responsive to the strengths and needs of all students.

Districts and organizations are looking for professional learning experiences that are flexible and engaging. When we partner with you, we discuss your goals and needs. We then explore options that work well for you, from eLearning modules and digital interactions to resources for in-person learning. The solutions we develop are yours to use for professional learning in the future, so that you can continue the learning as you grow.

We can work with your existing content to better meet your needs, or we can design and develop new professional learning experiences for you. Topics include developing academic vocabulary and language, backward design lesson planning, and instructing multilingual learners. 

At MPM Essentials, we are dedicated to making an impact on the education of all learners. We invite you to learn more about how we can help you reach your goals.

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